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Waqas Haq

Waqas Haq, Chief Technology Officer @ Aretec Inc

cutting-edge AI-powered products

The Aretec Advantage: Unlocking Unprecedented Business Value

INTRODUCTION In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are seeking innovative solutions to harness the power of their data, streamline processes, and drive growth. Aretec, in partnership with Google, is at the forefront of this transformation, offering cutting-edge AI-powered products that revolutionize the way organizations operate. This article explores the technical capabilities of Google Cloud and how Aretec leverages these technologies to deliver unparalleled value to its customers. Why Google Google Cloud is renowned for its industry-leading AI and machine learning technologies, providing businesses with the tools they need to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. With Vertex AI, Google’s end-to-end machine learning platform, organizations can accelerate the deployment and maintenance of AI models, enabling them to extract valuable insights from their data and automate complex processes. Google Cloud’s scalable, reliable, and secure infrastructure ensures that businesses can trust their most sensitive data to this powerful platform. Google received the highest scores of any vendor evaluated in both the Current Offering and Strategy categories in the Forrester Wave™: AI Infrastructure Solutions, Q1 2024 report. A visual summary of the Google services is shown in the following image. Figure 1. Google’s AI and Machine Learning Portfolio. Aretec’s Solutions Aretec has developed a suite of transformative products (Figure 2) that harness the power of Google Cloud to address critical business challenges. diSearch, our Integrated Governed Search Platform, is powered by Vertex AI and serves as the central brain of an organization. diSearch empowers teams to access, understand, and action their data with unprecedented ease. Aretec’s solutions are built with enterprise-grade security and privacy in mind, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected at all times. Aretec is currently developing and deploying complex solutions using Google Capabilities for large, global banking institutions, Regulatory Agencies, and manufacturing firms, among other customers. Figure 2. Aretec’s Product Suite Why diSearch and PensDown diSearch and PensDown are two of Aretec’s flagship products, designed to revolutionize data search and proposal generation. diSearch enables organizations to find and understand their data through advanced search and discovery capabilities, while ensuring data provenance. PensDown streamlines the proposal generation process, allowing teams to automatically create compliant outlines, collaborate effectively, and manage the end-to-end proposal lifecycle. Both products leverage Google’s state-of-the-art natural language models (e.g., Gemini) to deliver highly accurate and contextually relevant results. The Aretec product suite includes three key offerings, all powered by Vertex AI: Benefits of this Approach rapid time-to-value with pre-built prompts and frameworks, while Automated Model Tuning ensures that the platform continuously learns and improves based on each organization’s unique data. This approach empowers business users with self-serve access to data insights, reducing reliance on technical teams and accelerating decision-making. The streamlined workflows and automation capabilities of Aretec’s products save time and money, allowing teams to focus on higher-value activities and drive business growth. Key benefits include: Conclusion The partnership between Aretec and Google represents a transformative opportunity for businesses looking to harness the power of AI and data to gain a competitive edge. By leveraging Google Cloud’s technical capabilities and Aretec’s innovative products and services, organizations can unlock new levels of efficiency, insights, and growth. diSearch and PensDown, powered by Google’s AI, empower teams to work smarter, make better decisions, and drive successful outcomes. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Aretec and Google remain committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that help businesses thrive in the face of complex challenges. Figure 3. diSearch Platform. Learn more about Aretec Product and Services Offerings at or contact us from

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Large Language Models

INTRODUCTION By now most of the world has been astonished with ChatGPT from OpenAI and its various abilities so much so that the debate of Artificial General Intelligence AGI has been restarted and given a fresh lease. Such is the impact of ChatGPT (and other similar models, stable diffusion for image generation) that various governments are already looking into incorporating AI at the same time they are also concerned about its potential or being misused and hence any regulations regarding its use are being discussed and proposed. In fact, a group of AI researchers have called for a moratorium on releasing new models (citation). Many jobs are being replaced by such models while other are transformed. In this article, we would try to understand what this amazing technology is and how various industries can use it for their own benefit. We shall start by unwrapping the term LLMs and discuss language models and some of the earlier attempts and their shortcomings. We will then discuss what powers the current LLM and how to train them. We will then discuss how to make an LLM follow human instructions and finally end with some of the use-cases where these LLMs can be used. UNWRAPING THE TERM LLM So, what does large and language model in the term Large Language Models mean? I think large is clear in its meaning, however the latter needs some introduction. Language Model is a term used by researchers to define a probabilistic model which finds the probability of a given sequence of terms. For example, what is the probability of the sentence The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. In pure mathematical terms, given a sequence of words 𝑊 = (𝑤1, 𝑤2, … , 𝑤𝑘), a language model finds the probability: Before we discuss how to estimate this probability, we would like to understand why we might need to know this probability and what consequence does it have? Let’s first analyze how we humans learn and use the language. Most of us use intuition to make sentences and judge the grammatical correctness or appropriateness of a text, without necessarily being taught the rules or us remembering the grammatical rules precisely. Our brains have this amazing capability to deduce this intuition from regular use of language. Language models can be understood to be modelling this intuition from exactly the same source humans deduce it, i.e., language (in the form of text). Probabilistic likelihood is the tool that the language models use to measure it. Calculating the probability therefore gives us a measure of finding the most likely sequence versus an absurd or unlikely sequence. For example, consider the sentence, I am looking … my purse. The sequence with a preposition (at, for, towards, in, into etc.) would be most probable rather than having any other word in its place (It wouldn’t make sense to have computer/ cat/ hand etc. in the blank space). Therefore, the word sequences that are more likely will have a higher probability in contrast to those that are grammatically wrong or semantically incorrect. In fact, the next word prediction or masked word prediction is the pseudo-task used to train today’s LLMs, more on that later. Another benefit of language modelling is in machine translations since the correct translation will be more likely and hence with more probability. We can argue on similar lines on the tasks of information retrieval, speech recognition, summarization etc. HOW TO CALCULATE/ ESTIMATE THE PROBABILITY? From the product rule of probability, we know that, Therefore, equation (1) above can be expanded as below: That is, the probability of the whole word sequence is the product of the probability of each word given all the previous words in the sequence. For example, the probability, 𝑃 of the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” would be: However, calculating the exact probability this way is intractable for longer sequences because the number of terms grows exponentially. Language models therefore make simplifying assumptions, like only considering a limited context of a few words before and after the target word when calculating these conditional probabilities. They also use probability distributions over words and their contexts rather than exact values. We, therefore, have 𝑛-Grams where 𝑛 defines the number of words in the joint probability, sometimes also called the context window. Setting 𝑛 = 3, would be a trigram and equation (2) would be: We can already see the limitation of a smaller 𝑛, because it provides a too little context for the next word prediction. There have been other methods of language modelling like the Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Statistical Modelling etc., however all of them suffer from the limitation of context window. Also designing and creating the dataset is sometimes prohibitive since we need to deal with probabilities explicitly. TRANSFORMERS TO THE RESCUE Transformers are a type of neural network that are sequence-to-sequence, that is, they take as input a sequence of tokens and output another sequence of tokens. (Tokens can be understood as roughly being words but not necessarily words every time the way we understand them.) Transformer is the engine behind the extraordinary power and success of today’s LLMs, and attention is the key architectural thing in these transformers. We won’t explain what transformers are and their inner architecture here, however one can refer to the excellent blog by Jay Alammar and another one by Peter Bloem. To fully grasp the importance and formidable capabilities of transformers without delving into their intricate workings, it is crucial to retrace the origins of deep learning, which initially gained prominence in computer vision. In the pre-deep learning era, machine learning comprised two primary stages: feature engineering and model training. Domain-specific features were meticulously crafted for individual datasets and tasks, making them incompatible with different tasks. However, this paradigm shifted with the emergence of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained on large-scale datasets like ImageNet for image classification. CNNs not only outperformed their predecessors but also introduced a new training

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The Evolving Landscape of Cyber Security Technologies

Introduction In today’s hyperconnected world, where digital transformation is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, the need for robust cyber security technologies has never been more critical. Malicious actors are constantly evolving their tactics, making it imperative for organizations to stay ahead by leveraging advances in cyber security technologies. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key advancements in this field that are helping organizations secure their digital assets and protect against cyber threats. Assessment and Training Programs for Cybersecurity Professionals The first step towards bolstering cyber security is establishing a formalized assessment and training program for cybersecurity professionals. This program should align with industry standards such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Workforce guidance. By incentivizing certifications in critical need areas through salary incentives, organizations can attract and retain top talent in the field of cyber security. This helps build a highly skilled workforce equipped with up-to-date knowledge and expertise to tackle emerging threats effectively. Standard Operating Procedures and Knowledge Management Developing robust Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and implementing a comprehensive knowledge management capability is crucial in ensuring organizational compliance with security policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines. Employees and stakeholders need to be well-informed on how to engage with the organization’s IT department and adhere to security protocols. By implementing a digital system, such as ClickUp or Atlassian’s Jira, organizations can efficiently manage and disseminate information in real-time, enabling seamless collaboration and streamlined workflows. Technology Architecture, Governance, and Deployment For organizations to effectively combat cyber threats, they must enhance their technology architecture, governance, and deployment strategies. The AretecSBD team advises the Office of Information Technology (OIT) to evaluate, elevate, and strengthen the agency’s cybersecurity posture. By assessing current IT operations and identifying gaps, recommendations can be made for improvement and optimization in line with industry best practices such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. Additionally, implementing a new cybersecurity Zero-Trust architecture and a standard set of controls can minimize risks and fortify the organization’s defenses against evolving threats. Real-time Cyber Event Detection In today’s threat landscape, it is crucial to detect and respond rapidly to cybersecurity events to minimize their impact on organizational systems and data. By leveraging advanced monitoring tools, organizations can identify potential vulnerabilities and cyber threats in real-time. These tools provide insights into system and network behavior, enabling early detection of malicious activities and timely response. It is essential to prioritize vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact, promptly address them, and continuously test and verify fixes to ensure their effectiveness. In-Depth Security Assessment and Data Governance To ensure compliance with cybersecurity standards, it is essential to conduct comprehensive security assessments, such as PCPE penetration testing and vulnerability testing. These assessments help identify potential security risks and provide actionable insights to safeguard the organization’s overall infrastructure, systems, and data. Additionally, organizations must address challenges related to data documentation and cataloging. By establishing a comprehensive inventory of all data assets, organizations can improve data governance, compliance efforts, and overall cybersecurity posture. Leveraging Technology for Secure Application Development The secure development of applications is paramount in today’s digital landscape. By integrating scheduled dynamic security scans into the software development lifecycle using tools like GitLab, organizations can proactively identify and address potential vulnerabilities, minimizing the risk of security breaches. This approach ensures that the application remains secure for users and protects sensitive data from unauthorized access. Conclusion In conclusion, cyber security technologies have come a long way in helping organizations combat the ever-evolving threat landscape. By establishing formalized assessment and training programs, implementing SOPs and knowledge management capabilities, enhancing technology architectures, and leveraging tools for real-time detection, organizations can significantly strengthen their cyber defenses. Additionally, in-depth security assessments, data governance, and secure application development practices are vital in building a resilient cyber security framework. Embracing these advances and staying proactive is crucial to protecting digital assets and maintaining cybersecurity in today’s dynamic digital environment.

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Team Aretec, Comprised of Aretec, Google Cloud, and Carahsoft, Secures 1 of 4 Spots

FAIRFAX, Va. – Aug 21st, 2023 – Aretec, Inc., a leading data science firm, is proud to announce its selection as a key participant in the Small Business Administration\’s (SBA) highly competitive $418 million Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for Cloud Services and IT services-based solutions. This five-year contract presents an exciting opportunity for Aretec to leverage its expertise in application development, cloud migration and governance, and tailored advanced analytics platforms to support Federal Government decision-makers. The SBA\’s BPA aims to provide Federal agencies with streamlined access to cloud services and IT solutions from qualified small businesses. Aretec\’s inclusion in this esteemed agreement is a testament to the company\’s proven capabilities, technical excellence, and commitment to delivering innovative data-driven solutions. Aretec selected teammates Google Cloud and Carahsoft under this BPA, offering their combined comprehensive expertise in developing cutting-edge applications, conducting comprehensive quantitative research, and delivering cloud-native advanced analytics platforms customized to the unique needs of Federal Government decision-makers. By using the power of data science, Aretec will empower Federal agencies to make informed decisions, optimize their operations, and drive positive outcomes. Carahsoft Technology Corp., The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®, serves as the Master Government Aggregator® and distributor for leading IT solutions providers – including Aretec and Google – supporting an extensive ecosystem of manufacturers, value-added resellers, system integrators and consulting partners committed to supporting the Public Sector. \”We are thrilled to be selected as a participant in the Small Business Administration\’s Blanket Purchase Agreement for Cloud Services and IT services,\” said Anthony Rivera, CEO of Aretec, Inc. \”This recognition affirms our dedication to providing exceptional data-driven solutions and supporting Federal Government decision-makers in achieving their goals. We look forward to collaborating closely with Federal agencies to harness the power of cloud services and IT solutions for transformative outcomes.\” Aretec\’s selection for this significant contract positions the company as a trusted partner in delivering advanced technology solutions to the Federal Government. The BPA will enable Aretec to expand its reach, increase its impact, and further solidify its position as a leading data science firm. About Aretec, Inc.: Aretec, Inc. is a leading data science firm dedicated to enabling organizations to achieve their missions with efficiency, ease, and informed actions. With expertise in application development, quantitative research, and advanced analytics platforms, Aretec delivers tailored data-driven solutions to support federal government decision-makers. For inquiries, please contact: Richard Ramirez Business Relationship ManagerAretec, Inc.   Phone: 407-924-7019Email:

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Aretec, Inc. Ranks on the 2022 Inc. 5000 Annual List

NEW YORK, August 16, 2022 – Today, Inc. revealed that Aretec, Inc. has ranked on their annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in America. The list represents a one-of-a-kind look at the most successful companies within the economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent businesses. Facebook, Chobani, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000. Aretec, Inc. placed #3634 on the list. Breaking that down further the company is ranked #185 in Virginia, #242 in IT Services, and #216 in Washington DC. IT is our first time they have made the list. In response to the rankings announcement Aretec CEO Anthony Rivera stated, Placement on this list is an honor. As the founders of Aretec, Roby Luna and I created a strategic plan to become a recognized name in the Data Science, Software Dev, and AI & ML space. This award ratifies our place in that industry. Our commitment to our path and to our current & future clients has never been stronger. Even so, we will continue to strive to provide exceptional solutions and services in alignment with our ever-shifting market and its dynamics. Many thanks to Team Aretec for our hard-won efforts, and a well-deserved congratulations to our fellow awardees on this outstanding achievement. Inc., thank you for this recognition. The companies on the 2022 Inc. 5000 have not only been successful, but have also demonstrated resilience amid supply chain woes, labor shortages, and the ongoing impact of Covid-19. Among the top 500, the average median three-year revenue growth rate soared to 2,144 percent. Together, those companies added more than 68,394 jobs over the past three years. Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at The top 500 companies are featured in the September issue of Inc. magazine, which will be available on August 23. “The accomplishment of building one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S., in light of recent economic roadblocks, cannot be overstated,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc. “Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that have established themselves through innovation, hard work, and rising to the challenges of today.” Aretec President, Roby Luna added, For years we\’ve been disciplined in our strategy for growth and now seeing our efforts come to fruition is very exciting. We look forward to continuing down this path and can\’t wait to see what the future holds. Speaking further to the significance of this award, Aretec, Inc. commented, “As a company as a whole, we attribute our recent exponential growth to the strength of the team we’ve created and our intrinsic ability to align ourselves to our clients’ missions. Having worked on both federal and commercial contracts in the IT/ Data Science sector, we’ve developed an efficient, client-focused project process with a proven success record. Having our efforts validated by an Inc. 5000 ranking is an incredible milestone for us and has added fuel to the fire that keep us moving towards bigger and better things. As with most companies, we are continually looking to improve, and for us that means surpassing current performance levels by investing in improved processes and technology for use by our top-tier data scientists, data engineers, AI/ML engineers, strategically partnering with industry other industry-leaders, and challenging ourselves in new markets and with more complex programs. Being an honoree on this list will certainly help us attract the opportunities that will enable our future growth.” CONTACTFor media inquiries, please contact:Katherine Rule+1 (775) For business development and partnering inquiries, please contact:Bruce Higgins+1 (239) More about Inc. and the Inc. 5000 Methodology Companies on the 2022 Inc. 5000 are ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2018 to 2021. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2018. They must be U.S.-based, privately held, for-profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2021. (Since then, some on the list may have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2018 is $100,000; the minimum for 2021 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. Growth rates used to determine company rankings were calculated to four decimal places. The top 500 companies on the Inc. 5000 are featured in Inc. magazine’s September issue. The entire Inc. 5000 can be found at About Inc. The world’s most trusted business-media brand, Inc. offers entrepreneurs the knowledge, tools, connections, and community to build great companies. Its award-winning multiplatform content reaches more than 50 million people each month across a variety of channels including websites, newsletters, social media, podcasts, and print. Its prestigious Inc. 5000 list, produced every year since 1982, analyzes company data to recognize the fastest-growing privately held businesses in the United States. The global recognition that comes with inclusion in the 5000 gives the founders of the best businesses an opportunity to engage with an exclusive community of their peers, and the credibility that helps them drive sales and recruit talent. The associated Inc. 5000 Conference & Gala is part of a highly acclaimed portfolio of bespoke events produced by Inc. For more information, visit For more information on the Inc. 5000 Conference & Gala, visit

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Context presented at INSA showcase

Aretec presented our Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Platform, Context, to thought leaders in both Intelligence Community (IC) agencies and Defense Department (DOD) components at the Intelligence & National Security Alliance showcase. A selection committee reviewed and selected Aretec to present the innovations and advancements they are introducing to the industry with Context. Our team also attended the Thursday, June 16 reception at the Archer to further discuss our solution with IC/DOD leaders and other small Businesses. Context is an AI/ML platform built using best of breed capabilities which can be deployed across different clouds such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.

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New Scholarship for Underrepresented Students in URI College of Business

Alumnus establishes endowed scholarship with business partner KINGSTON, R.I. — April 21, 2022 — Data science firm Aretec, co-founded by Roby Luna ’04, has committed $100,000 to endow the Luna-Rivera SF Scholarship at the University of Rhode Island College of Business. The scholarship is intended to support underrepresented students studying data analytics or business artificial intelligence (AI). “We are proud that one of the founders of Aretec, Roby Luna ’04, has remained strongly connected to our College and URI,” said Maling Ebrahimpour, dean of the College of Business. “We are making substantial investments in expanding our AI and analytics capabilities to prepare students for leadership positions in an increasingly complex business environment. We want to encourage more students of color to enter these fields, and scholarships are an important incentive.” The Luna-Rivera SF Scholarship is named for the Aretec co-founders, Luna and Anthony Rivera. Luna, who graduated from URI with a Bachelor of Science degree in management information systems, is president of the company, directing the technical vision and managing its channel and partner alliances. Rivera is the chief executive officer, overseeing the vision, mission, and direction. “I entered URI through the Talent Development program, and I know how that additional support can make a difference,” said Luna. “My education prepared me to find my career and eventually pursue my own vision. Data analytics and artificial intelligence are growing exponentially, and we want to see more students and alumni of color find their way in this field.” Luna served in the U.S. Army and the Army Reserves and began his career as a data security analyst. He moved into data security management and technical director roles before launching Aretec. Luna serves on the URI Board of Trustees and the College of Business Advisory Board and has been involved with the URI Alumni of Color Network, making presentations to students and alumni. Aretec, based in Fairfax, Virginia, develops advanced analytics platforms that enhance intelligent decision-making for federal agencies and corporations. The URI Talent Development program, which was established more than 50 years ago, recruits Rhode Island students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds and provides the resources to help them succeed. The URI College of Business serves 2,100 undergraduates and almost 300 graduate students. It is AACSB accredited, the global gold standard of academic business school accreditation, and offers 10 undergraduate majors, seven graduate programs, and three Ph.D. specializations. The Luna-Rivera SF Scholarship also counts toward Big Ideas. Bold Plans. The Campaign for the University of Rhode Island. This comprehensive campaign is an effort to raise $300 million to enhance and expand student access, teaching, research, and facilities. L to R: Associate VP for Enrollment Dean Libutti, Director of Talent Development Gerald R. Williams, President Marc B. Parlange, Roby Luna ’04, Dean of the College of Business Maling Ebrahimpour. Credit: Joe Giblin

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Why are Records Management Systems So Important in 2022?

Why are Records Management Systems So Important in 2022? There is no doubt about the fact that information is at the heart of every organization or federal agency. In today’s digital age, information is the key to everything; be it for strategy management, research, and development, federal compliance, or keeping up-to-date with the latest industry dynamics. But how does an organization manage any particular information or its corporate records, and rely on its ability to compete, comply with regulations, recover from any disastrous situation, or in simple words; operate with efficiency? Knowing More about Records Management Systems The systematic control of information or records throughout their life cycle and stages can be known as records management. Records are evidence of what the organization does or how it operates. It can also include their business activities, transactions, details regarding their contract negotiations, business correspondence, employee files, financial statements, confidential information, just to name a few. Records can come in many formats such as: In more complicated situations, if there is a lawsuit then all of this information – including copies or backups of the information that individuals might have retained may come in handy to safeguard the organization. Why Records Management is So Important for Federal Agencies in the US Records are useful information assets, and they necessarily hold value for the organization. As a federal agency in the US, all stakeholders must manage information effectively to maximize control, and ensure the vitality of the organization. It is a federal mandate for any federal agency operating in the US, to effectively implement a state-of-the-art records management system so that they can make sure that their confidential information is retrievable, authentic, and accurate. This follows a procedure, which is as follows: Employees, management, or stakeholders within the organization can utilize records management system daily to: Everyone in the organization is responsible for managing the records and information of the organization. Each employee can play an important role to protect the future of the organization by creating, using, retrieving, and maintaining records in a records management system, in line with the organization’s policies and procedures. Perfect Recordkeeping Systems A flawless recordkeeping system is a shared filing system, which can be easily implemented in an organization, provided that the recordkeeping system has the technical capabilities for records to be captured, organized, accessed, protected, retrieved, retained, and disposed of, in compliance with the approved record schedules. A perfect recordkeeping system is more than just a software tool. It can be used for managing digital records of the information necessary for the organization. However, a records management system must be used in conjunction with governing policies, procedures, and it must have defined roles and responsibilities for the stakeholders involved. There are various types of recordkeeping systems, which can also be known as records systems, which integrate various Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to manage records, with different functionalities. These systems may range from manual to automated processes. The goal for a perfect record management system is to: Implementing an Effective Records Management System Aretec, Inc. is a data science firm specializing in customer experience, automation, and tailored digital solutions that transform data into actionable insights to aid government decision-makers. Aretec Inc. harnesses the power of emerging technology and ingenuity to help enable clients to meet their mission objectives. As a part of their AI solutions, Aretec has developed Context AI, to solve a multitude of problems using digital out-of-the-box capabilities and customization. With their Document AI, they can configure optical character recognition, document classification, text extraction, content summarization, keyword detection, and structured data extraction, just to name a few of their Document AI functionalities. With Context Document AI, records can be easily be created in context, managed or migrated, or exported across platforms. Context also helps maintain record authenticity, reliability, integrity, and usability. Using Context, it would become easier to retain and dispose of records in a systematic, auditable, authorized way. Consequences of Not Maintaining Records Management System Records that are not properly maintained, or kept outside of a records management system, can cause serious operational risks and consequences. This may include loss of data, privacy or security breaches for the organization, unreliability for the organization, loss of evidence for information, inaccessibility, and business disruption. Unacceptable records storage systems include: It is important for federal agencies in the US, to implement a state-of-the-art records management system, which is designed to systematically control records. A records management system can help manage records in any format, as it has the advanced capability for managing digital records. The records management system that you choose should fit the size and complexity of your organization. Knowing what you need, and how the records management system should be used, Context AI, with its Document AI can meet the requirements of today’s fast-paced technological environment, and resolve complicated records management processes. Context is an automated records management system, with robust searching capabilities, to help systematically organize your records, allowing you to capture, manipulate and manage sophisticated data that the records contain. With Context AI, your organization can have increased productivity, decreased paperwork, greater operational efficiency, better management, improved customer services, and information support.

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Knowing about AI and Automation for Digital Transformations

  Knowing about AI and Automation for Digital Transformations Artificial intelligence and automation are transforming businesses in the United States, and contribute to economic growth via to the ability to enhance productivity. More and more businesses and federal agencies are moving towards digital transformations. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are transforming the nature of work and the workplace itself. Machines and AI-integrated technologies will be able to carry out tasks seamlessly, and even perform more tasks done by humans. Organizations that are unable to transition themselves, or are unable to integrate AI and automation, will eventually decline, while others will grow and change with AI and automation. Today, organizations need to grapple with significant business challenges, or federal mandates. Organizations need to tackle the challenges of automation and using AI, they can help to resolve some of the critical issues of digitalization, keeping up with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and making insightful decisions based on analytical information. Accelerating Progress in AI and Automation Automation in AI is not something new. For example, automation and AI are being integrated for document and records management systems. Recent technological innovations are pushing the frontier of what machines can do. Today, federal agencies in the US need to provide value to the customers by digitalizing their customer experience. These types of improvements can provide value for the business, streamline operations, enable business efficiency, contribute to economic growth, and make unimaginable progress on some of the most difficult challenges. With the rapid digitization of Document Management, Records Management and a looming deadline in most lines of businesses to hybrid the management of paper and electronic information, it is essential to find a solution that provides not only an electronic copy of your paper record but an insight into and tool for finding the information you seek. Aretec’s platform, Context, can help you unify those worlds in a seamless fashion. Context Automation Nowadays, AI and automation goes beyond traditional approaches in business. With automation and advanced AI, new generations of more capable systems are appearing in the business world to make work easier. For example automated check-out processes, workflow automations, custom integrations with cloud solutions, video AI solutions for object detections, video summarization, document AI for text extraction, content summarization, keyword detection, and structured data extraction, to name a few. Much of the progress is driven by improvements in AI and automation systems, which includes mechanics, sensors, and software tools. One of such software AI tools is Context AI, which has the unique capability to integrate AI and automation for a variety of tasks. As automation and AI have become more sophisticated, and use faster and more efficient computing available in cloud environments, it is driving exponential growth to recognize data structures, and extract meaning information and key insights. Context is a thoughtfully designed data science platform ideal for rigorous Records Management projects that can ingest Records in a variety of data formats (documents, images, videos, etc.) from a variety of data sources (cloud & on-prem, SaaS, etc.). Context AI Capabilities Context AI automates your data and processes your documents at scale. Context has been built with the features of providing a generic document analysis and retrieval, and supports specific formats of the document to often be processed in large batches by organizations. Context AI allows you to automate and validate documents to streamline workflows, reduce guesswork, and keep data accurate and compliant. Context AI matches a parser with your provided document and sees the quality of extraction. The output will be in the form of JSON format that will save in the context database to apply further analysis and generate the report from it. Context AI’s Human in the Loop feature suggests mistakes within the document retrieval that allow you to fix or change the data. Context AI learns from your changes and fixes to improve their document retrieval AI process day by day. How AI and Automation can Help Organizations for their Document Management or Record Management Processes Context can help organizations build an end-to-end records management solution that starts from the raw document and moves through our pipeline to extract high-value information by converting the unstructured data into structured data. Along with document parser integration, our custom pipeline has a user-friendly interface so that documents and extracted information can be interfaced with the existing business processes. In simple words, text, key-value pairs, and tables are all features from the PDF or any type of document that could be detected via Context AI. Traditional OCR-driven records management solutions do not offer the ability to automatically extract key-value pairs, a key differentiator for Context. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques allow context to learn and determine the output of the next event based on not only the current input but also previous input along with the time-series data you have uploaded in the context. Transforming Businesses with the Help of AI and Automation AI and automation can generate value in various sectors of the businesses. AI and automation in applications can be used for a different array of processes, to personalize their customer experiences. The technology can also help to detect anomalies in production, identify fraudulent transactions in financial institutions, and offer AI capabilities to address classifications, estimations, and resolve clustering problems. Context Document Types Context has added the support of multiple types of documents in their application. You can use those types of documents to retrieve your data and conduct the analysis on your data in the context. The type of documents parsers Context currently supports are listed below. Our team can also build custom parsers for any form in a matter of hours. 1-General Processors  2-Contract Processors  3-Lending Processors 4-Procurement Processors  5-Other Processors Some of the benefits of using Context AI are:

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AretecSBD Awarded STARS III GWAC as part of Cohort 2

FAIRFAX, VA, February 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Aretec, Inc. is pleased to announce that they have received an award on the General Services Administration (GSA) 8(a) Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resources for Services (STARS) III Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle via their Joint Venture (JV), AretecSBD, LLC. The STARS III GWAC has a $50 billion ceiling over 8 years and offers government users flexible access to customized IT solutions and emerging technologies from a diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners. The 8 (a) STARS III GWACs are known governmentwide as best-in-class, easy-to-use, streamlined procurement solutions to purchase information technology services from 8 (a) prime contractors. DoD and Civilian agencies throughout the government will benefit from obtaining their services from STARS III prime contractors that have been preapproved and vetted. \”This win marks an important achievement in Aretec’s growth by allowing us to deliver advanced IT solutions and services to more customers,\” Roby went on to say. For more information on GSA 8(a) STARS III, please visit the U.S. GSA website at: GSA ABOUT ARETEC Aretec is a business transformation partner that harnesses the power of emerging technology and ingenuity to help enable our clients to meet their mission objectives. We are focused on customer experience, digital transformation, and automation. Our ‘Why’ is to build upon trust and integrity of mission-critical systems and provide operational stability for our partners. Embracing our partner’s mission and making it our own enables us to deliver optimal services and solutions. Whether it be from domestic or foreign cyberattacks against an agency’s IT infrastructure, or financial market manipulation, we create customizable solutions based on existing and dormant data. We enable the enhancement of an agency’s capability to make better decisions.

AretecSBD Awarded STARS III GWAC as part of Cohort 2 Read More »